Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jet Blue and the Wild Blue Yonder

By now everyone has heard about the Jet Blue pilot that had a very very bad day Tuesday.  Apparently he suffered some sort of breakdown and at 35,000 feet implied the plane would explode, while referencing Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan.

Once the pilot was removed from the plan all attention swung to Jet Blue.  This morning CEO of the airline David Barger appeared on the Today show (NBC).  While the questions centered around the crew, AND the passengers that subdued the agitated pilot, Mr. Barger showed his class and skill.

He fielded every question and comment from Matt Lauer during the course of the interview revealed his actually had known the pilot for a number of years.  Its rare when a spokesperson can handle the glare of a very bad situation and come out the other side in better shape than when he started.  Mr. Barget did. His shareholders owe him a big old southern "thank you,"

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