Monday, March 12, 2012

Self Promotion By Any Other Name

There has been a growing trend within television to bond with the let them know the station "cares" for them and about them.  This has taken several forms from the consumer protection reporter, the weather person that goes everywhere from schools to the county fair to the chili cook-off judge.  One other element is the "editorial".

Traditionally the editorial has been a forum used by management to address controversy, to stake out a position relative to the needs of the community,or  to endorse a political candidate and explain why.   The Greenville, SC market is served by WYFF-TV 4, a very popular and well run NBC affiliate.  In the past TV4 has been a leader in technology, winning journalism awards, TV emmys, etc.

In recent years their "bonding" vehicle has been the editorial.  The issue is it rarely if ever address ANY of the traditional components.  This Gannet outlet has decided to take shameless self promotion and cloke it in the guise of the "editorial. They have touted themselves when covering politics, sports, even taking a controversial stand on Thanksgiving.  Their position was "Thanksgiving is good." We all slept better have that one.  Most recently they are blowing their own horn with regards to "bad weather."

The current edition of their  3 minute editorial deals with the hardworking people in their weather department.  To ensure the accurate forecast they have partnered with a local grocery chain, Bi-Lo to sell weather alert radios.  The devices are fine and do a very good job.  The fact their editorial is nothing more than a commercial to sell a product, again, a very good product, is dis-ingeniousness.

The spokesperson for TV4 and their editorial board is the President of WYFF, is John Soapes.  He seems like a very likable man, and delivers the message in a smooth modulated, albeit somewhat still manner.  I would look forward to his presentations if they actually were editorials and not self promotion or blatant commercials, designed to enhance their rating, AND their financial bottom line.
As always, your comments are welcome.

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